Work With Me


Brooklyn suffered from misophonia for more than 20 years before finally eliminating it through unconscious reprogramming, using the modalities she’s certified in: neuro-linguistic programming, Emotional Freedom Technique, Clinical Hypnotherapy, T.I.M.E. Techniques and Life & Success Coaching. Brooklyn is also training in Rapid Resolution Therapy®️ and has a degree in Communication, infusing these practices into her coaching for effective and lasting results.

Brooklyn’s supported more than 500 people so far in 2024 and her clients have experienced incredible transformations.

Her passion for working with and understanding the unconscious mind, paired with personally experiencing and clearing her own misophonia, are evident in her unique healing approach.

Brooklyn is not a licensed mental health professional; Brooklyn is a certified coach practitioner.


Suffering for the majority of my life, Misophonia was the thing I hated about myself. I believed “if I could just get rid of this, then my life would be so much better.”

No matter how much I tried to escape, I could never fully get away from the noises that triggered me. It was an every-minute-of-every-day curse.

It made it difficult to keep friendships, nurture romantic relationships, and get along with family. At my lowest points, I wanted to die.

It was also a major secret; only those closest to me knew anything about it. I’d been scarred enough times from someone finding out and then making noises on purpose to torture me. I heard enough times, “You’re crazy.” People telling me to “just get over it.”

I know the panic when you hear a noise and can’t find an escape. I know what it’s like when your ears are bleeding from plugging them so hard. I know what it’s like hating people just because of the noises they make.

I truly believed I would suffer for the rest of my life, until…

I realized simply this: the noises weren’t causing me pain. Other people weren’t causing me pain. The MEANING MY MIND attached to the sounds is what caused me pain.

This gave me my power back. Because I can’t change other people. And I can’t change the environment around me. But I can influence my own thinking and my own mind.

That’s exactly what I did. I used unconscious reprogramming modalities to install the belief that healing was possible, to rewire the meaning my mind associated with my trigger noises, and finally to cultivate lasting relief by integrating better ways to navigate strong emotions.

I’m now more than one year misophonia-free. It’s my mission to support as many people as possible in experiencing this relief too.

I’m also passionate about supporting people with the least amount of discomfort possible. I don’t want you to cry your eyes out, relive traumatic memories, or feel “icky” in order to feel better. If difficult things surface while we work together then we’ll address them. But feeling bad isn’t a prerequisite to healing from misophonia.

So if you’re ready to lessen your triggers, alleviate your suffering and create more joy in your life—then I’m ready to support you in doing so!